Grade Scale
Tests - 35%
LAB Classwork - 35%
Homework 15%
Independent STEM Stations - 15%
NOTE: All Science Lab assignments must be completed in the Science Lab. Any assignments not completed or missed due to an absence, may be completed (in the lab) on Thursdays after school 2:20-3:30. Parents must approve student participation and arrange for student’s transportation home (via email/note/text).
Numeric Grades
A 93-100
B 85-92
C 75-84
D 70-74
F 60-69
Pass - Fail
Pass - 95
Fail - 65
Star-Check-Minus Grades
Star - 95
Check - 85
Minus - 78
Incomplete-Not Done - 65
O/S/U Grades
Outstanding - 95
Satisfactory - 85
Unsatisfactory/Missed - 65
Students (and parents) can find all HOMEWORK Assignments in ONE LOCATION on Google Classroom. Just log into ONE CLASS.... "Science Homework".
HOMEWORK IS ONLY ASSIGNED ON MONDAYS. Homework assignments are graded and are NOT accepted after the due date. If homework is missed due to an illness/absence, an extension may possibly be granted.
Most homework assignments are due Monday night before 9pm, but sometimes they are due the following FRIDAY …after related Science Lab Activities.
Note: Students work in the Science LAB most Tuesdays through Thursdays. Any Lab Assignments not completed or missed due to an absence, may be completed (in the lab) on Thursdays after school 2:20-3:30.
Parents must approve students' participation in Lab Make-up Days & arrange students' transportation home.