Mission Statement
The mission of the Trenton Catholic Preparatory Academy is to educate a diverse Pre-K to12 student body to be responsible citizens of a global society through a challenging and relevant curriculum centered in Catholic traditions and values.
TCPA Students Care
TCPA students are:
*Please check folders daily*
*Always have a note in folder for any changes with pick up or aftercare*
*Always pack a water bottle and a healthy snack for snack time*
Special Schedule
Monday- Spanish 11:00-11:40
Tuesday- Art 9:00-9:40
Wednesday- Technology 9:00-9:40
Thursday- Gym (wear gym uniform) 9:00-9:40
Friday- Music 9:00-9:40
We will be using Sadlier's Discovering God's World, a faith development program for 3 and 4 year olds. It develops a positive self-image in relationship to a loving God. The children will learn that family, friends, and God love them. Learning simple prayers in preparation of celebrating in church is important and will be learned by the students.
Language Arts
Students will develop communication skills that enable them to share their world with others. These skills include listening, speaking, thinking, and pre-writing involving learning the alphabet and words. Listening, sharing stories, poetry, and songs are also pre-writing activities.
Children will develop math concepts through manipulation, examination, and practical experiences using concrete materials. Further knowledge will come from the understanding of colors, shapes, and quantitative concepts such as, size differences and basic counting skills through practical application, classifying, forming sets, and recognizing numerals.
Social Sciences
Social Sciences help children understand the world around them and the ways it affects their own lives. The children will be encouraged to use their minds, hands, and all of their senses to investigate their environment.
We will study many topics:
All About Me/Human Body
Family and Friends
Community Helpers
Growth and Change
Special Days
Weather and Seasons
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at janegadus@trentoncatholicprep.org