Music plays an important part in the lives of the students at Trenton Catholic Preparatory Academy. They learn the standards for Music Education and use their talents to praise God at our many Prayer Services and Liturgies throughout the year. They are given the opportunity to sing, move, use instruments, develop listening skills, learn theory, history, and compose and create with the use of Bandlab and other computer websites. All students will participate in the Christmas Concert! Students are expected to come prepared, participate, complete their work, show respect, and to always try their best!
Grades in music class are based on:
1. Class Participation - singing, playing instruments, group activities,
answering a question, and volunteering to read.
2. Classwork - completing handouts, whiteboards, use of computers.
3. Assessments - quiz or test.
4. Cooperation - following classroom rules, respect for others and school
property and working with others in groups.